
Inclusive Education


At Salisbury State School we believe every student has the ability to learn and should be able to demonstrate progress in their learning. 


At Salisbury State School we are committed to meeting the needs of all our students through providing an inclusive education.  One where students can access and fully participate in learning, alongside their similar-aged peers, supported by reasonable adjustments and teaching strategies tailored to meet their individual needs. Inclusion is embedded in all aspects of our school’s life, and is supported by culture, policies and everyday practices.  

Our commitment to inclusive education means that all our students regardless of, ability, social, cultural, community and family backgrounds will be able to:  

  • Attend 

  • Learn 

  • Access and Participate 

  • Achieve 

 At Salisbury State School our inclusive education framework is guided by the nine core principles as outlined in the Department of Education’s Inclusive Education policy statement (2018),  

  • A system wide approach – the department promotes and develops policies, programs and practices to remove barriers and promote inclusive education across all schools  

  • Committed leaders – leaders of all levels across the department commit to and are accountable for implementing inclusive education   

  • Whole school approach – every member of the school community, teachers, support staff, families and students  work collaboratively to ensure all students can access and participate in all aspects of school life  

  • Collaboration with students, families and the community – we work with our families, they are respected and valued partners in inclusive education   

  • Respecting and valuing diversity -  all students and families feel and are welcome, respected and included at our school , we embrace and value diversity   

  • Confident, skilled and capable workforce – all school staff continue to build on their expertise to implement inclusive education practices   

  • Accessible learning environments – settings and classrooms are designed to enable all students to  be able to access and fully participate in learning   

  • Monitoring and evaluation – monitoring progress and achievement of all students is a priority   


At Salisbury State School we have high expectations of all students and we recognise with the right support, all students can succeed.  

Last reviewed 24 October 2024
Last updated 24 October 2024