Parents of Salisbury petitioned on 10 March 1914 for the establishment of a school in the area.
The petition failed even though it was expected that about one hundred children
would attend. In 1915 there was intensive lobbying for a school and a meeting was called on 28 June 1915 to elect a building committee. Mr J. Stodart MLA presided. A second application to establish a state school in Salisbury was lodged on 24 November 1915.
The Department of Public Instruction
purchased 2 acres of Portion 177 for E50 ($100) from Ernest Barstow on 28 June 1916 and on 26 August 1919 a further 2 acres 32 perches was purchased from Mrs Jessie Morris with the view to establishing the Salisbury State School.
Salisbury State School was officially opened on 27 May 1920 with 120 students enrolled. James M. Broe was the head teacher and Miss Sibyl Ferguson, the assistant teacher. By 1927 there were five classrooms and a staff room with five teachers.
(taken from: 'A Closer Look at Salisbury and Nathan Heights', Feb 2000)