Prep is the first year of school and provides the foundation for your child's education External link. It is compulsory for Queensland children to undertake Prep prior to Year 1.
Prep is a full-time program in primary schools and has a defined curriculum. Children attend Monday to Friday, from 9.00am to 3.00pm. Children must be 5 by 30 June in the year they enrol.
Use the online calculator External link to see when your child can start Prep. Simply select your child's month and year of birth.
To enrol at Salisbury State School complete and return and Application for Student Enrolment form (PDF, 417KB) which can also be obtained from our office. Remember to include any extra documentation as indicated in the enrolment application.
Once your enrolment form is received you will be contacted with an appointment time for you and your child to attend an interview with our Principal. This usually occurs later in the year. More information is available in our Prep Handbook (PDF, 4.5MB).
You will be also be contacted about various events and information sessions, including our 'Under 8's' celebration, parent information session and prep play dates. This allows us to keep in contact with you and begin a relationship with your family.
Further information about Preparing your child for Prep External link is also available on the department's website.
Little Salisbury Serpents - Prep Transition Program
In Semester 2 , prior to starting Prep, our school offers a readiness experience for students enrolled in the following Prep year.
Children attend with their prospective peers once a week for a morning session in a model classroom with our engaging Prep Teachers and support staff. The program consists of short learning experiences with a focus on oral language, literacy and numeracy activities. It includes both inside and outside learning time.
This extended transition to school life supports all students to prepare for the first year of schooling. Our staff, classrooms, activities and routines become familiar and comfortable.
Parents and carers can stay with the children or retreat to our welcoming library space to hear about how our school operates and how families can assist with school readiness. The opportunity to connect with other families on the journey to school is a real bonus.
Further details can be requested from the Office. Registrations are highly sought after for this rich program.