
Prep Transition Program


At Salisbury State School we aim to provide a successful transition for both future students and families. Students will be excited and ready to start school, as they will feel confident starting school due to build strong relationships through transition. Parents and Carers will have a deep understand of what is expected during the first formal year of schooling, worries and anxieties will be eased due to building these relationships through the transition process.

The implementation of this transition program will also benefit prep teachers and administrators, as we will have had the chance to build these relationships with children.  Over this process we will gather the information to completely know these children and how best to support them, to ensure they have the best start possible.  We will be able to place children into classes, based on additional needs, friendships and personalities that we've gotten to know. Each classroom teacher will be provided with a detailed overview of each child entering their classroom for the following year, allowing our teachers to best accommodate for each child before the school year has begun. 


Our Transition Program begins early in Term 2 as the Deputy Principal, Head of Department- Curriculum, Support Co-Ordinator and Prep Teachers visit Early Childhood Settings within our community. This a great opportunity to meet the students, families and answer any queries they may have regarding starting school in the following year.

Our Transition Program commences onsite in Term 2 and in Term 3 & 4, Salisbury SS will offer a further 3 Open Day sessions for pre-prep students to visit classrooms. (One in August, October and December)


Open Day One

Our first event will be a Parent Information Session.  While this event is aimed at parents, children are welcome to attend. During this session you will have the opportunity to engage with our Principal, Deputy Principal, Head of Curriculum and Student Support Co-Ordinator. There will be a presentation with an opportunity for questions afterwards.  After the presentation, our administration will guide you around our school, pointing out the wonderful environments your child will grow and learn in and ensure you get to see the prep classes in action.  The event will conclude with a morning tea where you are again encouraged to ask questions and talk directly to our teaching staff.  Information including the Application for Student Enrolment, School and Prep Handbooks.

Open Day Two

Our second event is a Prep Play Date where children and families are encouraged to play in the prep classrooms with the existing cohort.  Families are encouraged to engage with their child in the activities on offer, including but not limited to, construction, literacy and numeracy games, painting, playdough and fine motor activities.  Children are encouraged to bring a brain snack (fruit) to have before going outdoors to play.  On concluding the event we encourage all families who have not yet returned a completed Application for Student Enrolment to do so.  

Open Day Three

Our third open morning will allow you as parents to develop a deeper understanding of our Whole School Programs. Including a Positive Behaviour Learning Framework, Inclusive Education and how we use technology to excel our learners while at school.

Pre-Prep Children will be invited to spend the morning with a current prep class and teachers.   Children will participate in play  based activities and experiences,  carpet time  (story, song and conversation), brain snack (fruit) and outdoor play.   Please pack a fruit snack, water bottle and hat for your child. 

While families are required to remain on the premises, they are encouraged to leave the children in the prep classroom.  Parents will engage with the principal and other members of staff.  This is a great opportunity to meet other parents and ask any questions that you have.  The children will meet with you in the playground after having a brain snack (fruit). This is your opportunity to have conversations with our prep teachers.  

Open Day Four

Our final event for the year as we get ready to send our Pre-Preps off to Prep! This session will give you the opportunity to meet your child's Prep Teacher, see the classroom they will be in along with all of their new classmates.

This session we will go over School and Classroom routines for the following year, things you can do to help your child prepare over the holidays and also give you an idea of what the first week will look like.


We look forward to welcoming you into our school!​


Last reviewed 24 June 2024
Last updated 24 June 2024